

You can find the latest information regarding Thalidomide here, together with infographics and other useful resources to download.


Aachen, Germany, February 28th, 2023 – The Federal Association of Thalidomide Victims (Thalidomide Association; Bundesverband Contergangeschädigter e.V.) and the Grünenthal Foundation for the Support of Thalidomide-affected people (Grünenthal Foundation; Grünenthal-Stiftung zur Unterstützung von Thalidomidbetroffenen) announced a new platform for joint dialogue. After continuously intensified personal and informal contact over the last years, a joint Dialogue Forum shall now provide a new institutionalized framework for the exchange between those affected by Thalidomide and the Grünenthal Foundation.


Grünenthal supports the public ambitions of the Contergan Foundation to facilitate an early payout of the remaining foundation capital to people affected by thalidomide. The exchange between Grünenthal and the affected parties made it clear that a larger, early payout now would make a greater contribution to improving their living situation than the annual special payments made to date.


50 years ago today, the Aachen Regional Court terminated the Thalidomide proceedings against nine Grünenthal senior employees. The criminal trial is still considered one of the most complex and costly proceedings in German legal history. The legal and medical questions concerning the Thalidomide tragedy were complex and difficult to answer.


50 years ago today, the Aachen Regional Court terminated the Thalidomide proceedings against nine Grünenthal senior employees. The criminal trial is still considered one of the most complex and costly proceedings in German legal history. The legal and medical questions concerning the Thalidomide tragedy were complex and difficult to answer.

Downloadable material

Please make use of the following material. However, we kindly ask that you reference “Grünenthal GmbH” as the source.

Infographic Financial support for people affected by Thalidomide

Financial support for people affected by Thalidomide
