The pensions paid by the Contergan Foundation to people affected by thalidomide in Germany and abroad will be increased by 3.22 percent as of July 1, 2018.
This was announced by the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ) in the Federal Gazette.
Individuals affected by thalidomide will receive sums between a minimum of approximately 700 euros per month up to a maximum of roundabout 8,117 euros, depending on the degree of disability. Since August 2013, those affected have also been receiving additional financial support to cover specific needs. Since the latest amendment to the German Contergan Foundation Act in January 2017, benefits for specific needs have been paid on a flat-rate basis and without requiring additional applications. The recipients in Germany receive a basic annual amount of 4,800 euros and additional funds depending on the severity of the damage. With the latest amendment, they can also freely decide how the funds are used.